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WARNING!: This article contains discussion of death, murder, self-harm, religious extremism, religious trauma/ anxiety, unhealthy behavior, and poor/ declining mental health.

Name: Ezekiel

Age: Jan 8th, 1759 - 1789 (Age 27 at death)

Height: 6'1"

Gender ID + Pronouns: He/ Him + Cis Man

Species: Human - Spirt/ Poltergist - Human Undead

Occupation: Thief in life

Orientation + Relationship status: Straight - Single

Intro + Personality

A 18th century religiously overzealous serial killer dubbed “The Warwick Ripper” turned to the restless “Poltergeist of Birmingham row”, Ezekiel believed himself to cary the word of God and have the authority to carry out “divine violence” against the boorish, vulgar sinners of England.

The local lore states that he started as a simple thief before accidentally killing one of his victims which sparked his bloodlust. He killed up to 15 people before being arrested; he was sentenced to death for his crimes, where both his hands were cut off before being beheaded. Purportedly with his final breath he swore vengeance on his executioner, the judge and the prison warden. Has a form of trophy the executioner took his head, the judge his left hand and the warden his right.

Over the coming year all three died in strange ways, but not before reporting violent hauntings; glass and mirrors shattering, blood oozing from cracks in the walls, objects like books and chairs thrown about and swarms of rats. The warden died suddenly of a heart attack, the judge committed suicide, and the executioner was found at the bottom of his stairs with a broken neck. But despite the death of the men he pledged revenge against, Ezekiel was unable to pass on and now permanently haunts the executioner's old row home. Any renovation or demolition crew swiftly quits any work on the house leaving it abandoned and a hot spot for ghost hunters.

He presents as this cold, unrelenting, emotionales exterior but deep down he is just as angry and animalistic as his brothers. Very short temper and was incredibly unpredictable in his behavior. Deeply rooted in religious anxiety and fear, he was truly terrified of God and disobeying him. Carries himself with that air of “i am better than you” because he truly believes he’s enacting the will of god. Despite everything Ezekiel is not a hypocrite like most religious extremists, he held himself to the exact same batshit standards as everyone else.


Orphaned at age 8 Ezekiel and his baby brother were brought to a catholic orphanage. Growing up, Ezekiel was simultaneously a golden child and a problem child. On one hand he was the model catholic boy, he read his scripture, prayed daily, obeyed authority and was quiet. But on the other he was anti-social, overly aggressive to the other kids, he killed small animals and attempted to kill his little brother several times growing up.

Very early on he both despised and cared for his little brother, he hated him because he was expected to take care of him and he never measured up to expectations; but he also was terrified of the wrath of God befalling his brother.

Ezekiel's idea of catholicism quickly mutated into his own extremist strain, a mix of their violent fathers beliefs and his own anxiety echo-chamber. He developed a crushing fear of God, compulsively doing whatever he could in an attempt to appease him, praying for hours at a time, doing rosary beads, fasting and self-flagellation. He feared that if he didn't do it God would enact his wrath on humanity. Ezekiel was also deeply paranoid of God or other angelic figures montering him constantly, he’d micromanage every little action or thought; Ezekiel would work himself up so much he’d cry so hard he’d throw up.

Eventually when Ezekiel turned 18 and his brother was 11, Ezekiel was kicked out from the orphanage and his younger brother not wanting to be separated followed him, Ezekiel was deemed his legal guardian. For years they lived as drifters neither able to find any form of employment and they resorted to theft, stealing small items like food or clothing, but Ezekiel started to escalate, starting to mug people for their valuables.

He soon came up with a new strategy for mugging people- he’d use his younger brother as bait. He’d have him walk through the streets asking strangers for help, and if someone bit he’d lure them back to some secluded area where Ezekiel would jump the unsuspecting victim and mug them.

This system was going well until one night while mugging a particularly rousey man Ezekiel stabbed their victim, and then again, and again, and again. After this Ezekiel had a complete break-down, he isolated himself for almost a week; cycling through praying, starving, self-flagellation, and crying. By the end of it he could be considered on the verge of death, and in his delirium he swore he heard the voice of God- the voice of god congratulating him, encouraging him, commanding him to punish more degenerate sinners.

And he obeyed. He killed 14 more people under God's duress; he continued to enlist his brother in his crimes, using him to bait in more victims to rob and murder. Eventually they attempted to kill the wrong man, an off duty police officer and both were finally arrested.Originally both were sentenced to death but Ezekiel took all of the blame in court sparing his brother from execution purely because he thought that he would be martyred and made a saint, and Ezekiel didn't believe his brother deserved that honor. Ezekiel's hands where amputated for his theft and beheaded for the murder, and as the legend states his hands and head were divided amongst the executioner, judge, and warden; the rest of his body dumped in a mass grave as his brother was too poor to pay for a burial. Long before Ezekiel truly started haunting the three men, his younger brother actually broke into the executioner's home and stole back Ezekiles head, keeping it with him for the rest of his life. And after finishing up his “unfinished business” he was still trapped on earth, for what reason he does not know- it could be due to his improper burial but that can only keep someone here for so long before they fade, maybe it's because one or both of his brothers are still alive somehow…



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Character Relationships

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Warning: Gore, blood, decapitation, amputation, and decomposition